[LEGAL STUDIES]Discuss the issues surrounding IVF surrogacy and cloning, showing both sides of the argument and also at the same time, give your opinion

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
IVF, surrogacy, cloning and genetic experimentation are reasonably recent ideas and technologies that can certainly be improved on and explored further. But is it really the path the human race wants to take? Children being born to one mother and taken care of by another? Two people exact copies of each other? Living beings being altered from their natural form for the sake of our comfort and lifestyle? Raising our children in machines? We have …

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…my opinion we should never make a duper being, we should not extend our life spans beyond belief but simply use our technologies carefully to assist the human race to live a more fair and comfortable life...preferably as equals. We must walk this path carefully, and be sure to set proper restrictions and make the correct laws in order to ensure the human race doesn't go too far, "with great power come great responsibility".